Certified with Brave Thinking Institute

I am certified Life Mastery Consultant with Brave Thinking Institute, certified to coach you through five of Mary Morrissey’s highly-acclaimed, life-changing programs.

Transformational Curriculum

DreamBuilder® Program (12-week program)

A proven, reliable and repeatable system that will help your clients transform any dream into reality, with remarkable speed and ease.

Life Mastery™ (6-month program)

Empower people to change their lives through mastery of the 6 key areas of life: Intention, Health, Abundance, Manifestation, Love and Transformation.

Working With The Law™ (12-week program)

Based on the teachings of Raymond Holliwell, this program merges the 11 Universal laws with quantum science to produce powerful results.

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Into Your Genius™ (6-week program)

Everyone is born with 6 extraordinary “superpowers” – this program teaches people how to use these powers to create lives they love, stress and struggle free!

Standing Firm When Your World Is Shaking™(4-week program)

Help clients conquer seemingly impossible setbacks, challenges or failures, and transform despair into rock-solid confidence.

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